Thursday, 26 June 2014

Alice Mongoose and Alistair Rat in Hawaii By Mary Pfaff

Alice Mongoose and Alistair Rat in Hawaii
Title : Alice Mongoose and Alistair Rat in Hawaii
Author :
ISBN : 1943476047
Format : ebook
Number of Pages : 32

When Alice Mongoose sails from India to her first grownup job on the Big Island of Hawaii, she is shocked to learn what her new position entails.She decides instead to strike out on her own When she meets the gentle and dapper Alistair Rat, she knows that she has found a friend in her new Hawaiian home.The Alice Mongoose and Alistair Rat stories are classic tales of adven When Alice Mongoose sails from India to her first grownup job on the Big Island of Hawaii, she is shocked to learn what her new positio...





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Alice Mongoose and Alistair Rat in Hawaii

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