Thursday, 13 November 2014

Jane and the Genius of the Place (Jane Austen Mysteries, #4) By Stephanie Barron

Jane and the Genius of the Place (Jane Austen Mysteries, #4)
Title : Jane and the Genius of the Place (Jane Austen Mysteries, #4)
Author :
ISBN : 055310733X
Format : Hardcover
Number of Pages : 290

In three highly diverting mysteries, Jane Austen has shown herself a clever hand at unraveling the deadly knots woven by the unscrupulous Now, in her latest engrossing adventure, Jane is called upon to solve a shattering crime that may begin and end in one man s heart or encompass the fate of an entire nation In the waning days of summer, Jane Austen is off to the Cante In three highly diverting mysteries, Jane Austen has shown herself a clever hand at unraveling the deadly knots woven by the unscrupulous...





Jane and the Genius of the Place (Jane Austen Mysteries, #4)
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Jane and the Genius of the Place (Jane Austen Mysteries, #4)

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