Saturday, 23 July 2016

The Crimson Tide (Fighting Fantasy, #47) By Paul Mason

The Crimson Tide (Fighting Fantasy, #47)
Title : The Crimson Tide (Fighting Fantasy, #47)
Author :
ISBN : 0140345558
Format : Paperback
Number of Pages : 224

Vengeance or death Civil war wracks the Isles of the Dawn You are a young farmer, unaffected by the turmoil until chaos strikes A roving band of mercenaries ransacks your village, killing your father and enslaving your mother This injustice must be righted Arcane creatures, martial monks and battle hardened warriors must all be overcome, as your quest for justice lead Vengeance or death Civil war wracks the Isles of the Dawn You are a young farmer, unaffected by the turmoil until chaos strikes A...





The Crimson Tide (Fighting Fantasy, #47)
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The Crimson Tide (Fighting Fantasy, #47)

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