Thursday, 25 August 2016

Balancing Act - a Kovak & Quaid Horse Mystery (Book 2) By Toni Leland

Balancing Act - a Kovak & Quaid Horse Mystery (Book 2)
Title : Balancing Act - a Kovak & Quaid Horse Mystery (Book 2)
Author :
ISBN : 1887932739
Format : Paperback
Number of Pages : 300

Kim Kovak is a well known equine photographer, a profession she adopted after recovering from a shooting accident that maimed her leg, killed her police horse, and forced her retirement from the Columbus Ohio Mounted Police Unit.When a simple magazine assignment in Chicago involves an encounter with a runaway carriage horse, Kim is catapulted into the news, and the owner o Kim Kovak is a well known equine photographer, a profession she adopted after recovering from a shooting accident that maime...





Balancing Act - a Kovak & Quaid Horse Mystery (Book 2)
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Balancing Act - a Kovak & Quaid Horse Mystery (Book 2)

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